The sixth season of Big Brother Naija kicked off with an amazing entrance from the guys. The ladies came in the following night and it was so exciting to see all eleven Housemates who already have us glaring at our screens since their electrifying and charged up entrances.
Courtesy of Diageo, we’ll be bringing you a weekly recap of the Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye edition to keep you updated on all things #BBNaija season 6. Let’s take you through everything that went down in the first week:
Day 1: First Night in the House
Once they had gotten over their excitement of being officially welcomed into the BBNaija Shine Ya Eye House, the Housemates set about establishing themselves in their new home by assigning each other responsibilities, and in the process, got to know each other better.
Delegating Roles
Whitemoney soon settled into the role of delegating tasks based on the skillsets of each Housemate. To accomplish this, they explained what they were good at and what role they would be able to play in the House. The roles ranged from cooking, health and fitness to personal grooming. Even though they spent a lot of time debating who would be responsible for cooking, they agreed that Whitemoney would assume that role. A major selling point must have been his experience in the restaurant business.
Getting personal
As soon as the roles were delegated, the Shine Ya Eye Housemates made their way to the living room, where they spent the rest of the night getting to know each other. Each Housemate took turns talking about their backgrounds. Their stories ranged from their personal struggles growing up to earning a living and how being persistent got them to where they were now.
Biggie ended the live show by announcing that two of the Housemates are Wildcards which must be identified by the end of the first week. Following the end of the Live Show, the male Housemates immediately gave a warm welcome to the ladies and made them feel comfortable.
Day 2: Our Shine Ya Eye Ladies make their Debut
As expected, a full-on conversation ensued between the Housemates who got to know each other one on one and in groups. Whitemoney’s notoriously delicious meal of rice and beans also helped to set the mood for further conversations.
Biggie decided to make his guests more comfortable by letting them into the garden for the first time and as expected they were amazed by the sprawling beauty they saw. A few of the Housemates quickly moved to the garden while others stayed indoors. A few minutes later, however, all the Housemates were gathered in the garden, sharing their life experiences. From taxi driving to fashion design and modelling— the ladies were the first to give a full-on session about themselves, including what they do for a living, their love lives and what they hope to achieve once the Big Brother Naija experience has ended.
The men then took over, introducing themselves to the ladies making sure to blow the horn on their achievements. Can you blame them? The ‘Shine Your Eye’ ladies are so hot and spicy.
Despite a grand welcome to the House, tensions broke out early as Princess became enraged over not getting a bedspace and a certain Housemate refusing to share it with her. The House is only equipped with 20 beds, which unfortunately won’t be enough to accommodate all 22 Housemates. It implied that a couple must share their bedspace because of this inadequacy.
The bedspace saga
While explaining to Jaypaul why she was upset, Princess said she had her eyes set on a bedspace she really liked but she couldn’t have it because another Housemate claimed ownership of it. Hoping to reach an amicable settlement, she said she jokingly asked him to share the bed with her, but he said no. She was taken aback by the firm ‘No’ she got because she expected that Housemates should be willing to share their bedspaces in Biggie’s House seeing as there weren’t sufficient beds. She expressed her disgust, saying she didn’t expect a guy to act this way and could have easily let it go if he was adamant about not sharing with her. She immediately dispelled the notion that sharing the bed with him meant she wanted to sleep with him, exclaiming “who the hell are you?”
Another failed attempt
She failed to get a bed space on her second attempt, because the other bed she went for also belonged to another person, and so she could not acquire that either. Jaypaul explained that he understood her frustration because she didn’t like being bullied. On a bright note, Jackie B was willing to share her bedspace with her.
With the fate of the Housemates dependent on them finding the Wildcards, the Housemates put on their respective detective caps, in a quest to figure out which Housemates are the prime suspects.
Figuring out the Wildcards
The Shine Ya Eye ladies were the first on the case. First, they had to be sure of how they were going to present these Wildcards to Biggie when the time comes. Their main concern was how easy or difficult it will probably be for 18 of them to come to a consensus about who the Wildcards are. They spent ample time deliberating this, while throwing casual shots at each other about being the Wildcard.
Wild theories
Jaypaul was next on the scene alongside Peace, and he seemed to have pretty wild theories about who the Wildcards were. He believed the Housemates would either try to blend in or be quite wild. He wasn’t quite done, because he still had more theories about the suspects. He thought the Housemates who talked too much and tried extra hard to impress the viewers and their fellow Housemates, were the likely culprits. He also seemed certain the Wildcards were the first male and female Housemates to walk into the House.
The first of many Diary Sessions
Day 2 saw the first-ever set of Diary Sessions for this Season of Big Brother, and the vibes were still positive if the Housemates’ comments were anything to go by. While almost all the Housemates admitted that it was still early days, there were nearly no negative comments about anybody – yes, we said “nearly”.
The Housemates took to the Diary Room for a one-on-one with Biggie to talk about their excitement, crushes and more. This Diary Room heard it all from vibes to possible wild cards.
Peace is the first HoH of the Season!
Peace sat pretty at the top of the food chain in the first week, after blasting through a tightly contested Head of House Challenge, the first for the Shine Ya Eye Season. Joining her at the top was Yousef, who she picked as her Deputy.
The Challenge saw Housemates go head to head for this all-important title, in the tastefully decorated new Games Lounge. Before kicking off the first Head of House Challenge, Big Brother made it a point to chastise the Housemates for taking too long to make their way to the Games Lounge. After that stern talking-to, Big Brother walked the gang through the rules of the HoH Challenge.
All those high fives weren’t enough, however, because in the end, it was Peace who emerged victorious. She beamed excitedly when Biggie made the announcement, while her Housemates cheered loudly for her – and when Biggie asked her who she would pick as Deputy HoH, she didn’t hesitate. “Yousef,” she exclaimed.
Peace got exclusive use of the Head of House Suite and for the next two days and she was welcome to have visitors over, only if they don’t sleepover.
Day 3: The House gets the first brief
The Shine Ya Eye Housemates got their first Brief of the Season from Biggie – and they immediately hit the ground running. The Brief arrived early and the Head of House, Peace did the honours of reading it out to the Housemates.
Getting to work
With the Brief read, it was time for the Housemates to get to work. Already mild arguments had erupted with Peace apologizing to Beatrice for apparently getting her upset while the rest of the Housemates were having a difficult time coming up with a strategy to tackle the brief.
One House
The chants of ‘One House’ filled the room as their first brainstorming session had been eclipsed by clashes of ideas with Housemates speaking over each other. In a bid to restore peace, they asked to let the other Housemate speaking round-up before another person spoke up. Angel also suggested that they ask, but it might have been a subtle shot at Liquorose.
Day 4: Crossing the first hurdle

The Shine Ya Eye Geng brainstormed on ideas to perfect their first Task of showcasing Nigeria’s cultural diversity in all its richness and grandeur. With several creative minds in the House, it was no surprise that there were clashes of ideas. In the midst of the Drama and squabbles, they seemed to be forging a path to what they hoped to attain.
The impressive tag-team
Whitemoney and Maria made an impressive tag team as they took the Shine Ya Eye Housemates on a trip as they explored the rich Igbo tradition in preparation for their Task. Even though they started off jabbing each other, with Maria teasing him about falling asleep while the initial brainstorming session was going on, they both did a good job breaking down everything their traditions entail. From ceremonies to political hierarchy and religious beliefs, they explained it all.
Bromance in danger
In the heat of the moment, Whitemoney lashed out at Pere and a few other Housemates who were making side comments while he talked about his tradition. He was upset that despite waiting his turn, he still had to contend with other Housemates interrupting him. Realising he may have been too harsh; he tendered an apology to Pere and the rest of the guys for his outburst right after expressing how disrespected he felt. Pere also apologised if Whitemoney felt hurt by his tone.
Angel ain’t with that
Earlier, Angel expressed not being pleased with other Housemates speaking over her during the brainstorming session and this time she appeared to be over the whole preparation process. She was upset with her time being wasted. A position Jackie B also shared too. They both agreed that the Housemates kept going round in circles without coming to a concrete agreement. They soon went from being upset to laughing over the pointless arguments the Housemates kept having and the need for them to speak over each other.
Peace on the wheel
Being the Head of House, the responsibility fell on Peace to get the team back on track and that’s what she did. She got all the Housemates to gather in the garden to iron out their differences and discuss how they were going to go about their Task.
Day 5: Maria and Pere are the Wildcards
Maria and Pere were finally revealed as the Wildcards of the BBNaija Shine Ya Eye House. After days of speculations and accusations in the House, the two were finally revealed after the Diary Room session where the Housemates were invited to make their predictions.
Blending in
Both Wildcards did a good job of blending in with the rest of the Housemates in the House. For Maria, it was all about actively participating in the Task and making sure her voice was heard. Pere took a more laid-back approach in the House. Right from his bromance with the rest of the guys to casually having conversations with the rest of the Housemates and even on course to building a romantic alliance with Jackie B, he had his cover well secured. His military experience must have come into play here. On a few occasions, both Wildcards spearheaded conversations about who the possible Wildcards were and pointed out other Housemates as likely suspects. Talk about throwing people off your scent.
No Clue
Maria was particularly surprised to find out there was another Wildcard in the House during her conversation with Biggie in the Diary Room. When asked if she knew who it was, she correctly guessed Pere. She was bothered that she had to lie and maintain a front with the other Housemates but she was confident she pulled it off. Pere on the other hand was glad when he heard the revelation of another Wildcard and guessed it was either Maria or Nini.
The Housemates receive their first Abeg Naira
The Shine Ya Eye Geng smiled to the bank as they each received their first Abeg Naira as a welcome gift from Big Brother.
Picking an envelope
The Housemates were asked to pick a stool from the 23 stools placed in front of them. On each stool was a sealed envelope containing different values of Abeg Naira. What this means is that some Housemates will end up richer than others.
This exercise almost started off chaotic despite Biggie’s warning that it be done in an organised manner, or they will end up being barred from picking and forfeit their Abeg Naira for the week. Fortunately, calm was immediately restored as Head of House, Peace insisted on doing it in an orderly fashion. Turn by turn, she asked each Housemate to go stand in front of the stool with the envelope of their choosing.
Their envelopes remained sealed until they were told otherwise. They had complete freedom to swap or exchange envelopes with one another at any time before the big reveal. They were also asked to guard and protect the seal on their envelopes. Any accidental opening or exposure of the contents of the envelopes would result in a stern punishment.
The bonus Envelope
The 23rd stool contained a special envelope with a substantial amount. With this envelope came a simple task for the House. They must all decide and gift the 23rd envelope to one deserving Housemate. The decision on whom the envelope is given could not be made by the Head of House or Deputy. It was the responsibility of all the Housemates. They were given until the next night to make the decision and they were free to devise and use any means to determine the most deserving Housemate to receive the envelope.
Let’s vote
The Housemates were soon engaged in a heated argument on how to award the bonus. While some insisted on a game of skill to give who was most deserving, others suggested a game of chance because that will ensure fairness. In the end, they settled for a vote and a game of chance was the outcome.
Emmanuel’s good fortune in the lucky raffle had him in possession of two envelopes with the Abeg Naira money that he soon found out about the next day. Big Brother instructed the Housemates to hold on to their envelopes which they could only open the next day.
With this money, the Housemates now have spending power. In the meantime, Biggie decided to be generous and allow them to have services they’d pay for free of charge till Sunday morning.
Day 6: A successful first performance
After putting in work all week long, the Shine Ya Eyes Housemates finally treated us to their much-anticipated play. This musical theatrical play cut across different tribes, showcasing Nigeria’s cultural diversity in all its richness and grandeur, and was performed by all the Housemates. The presentation marked the completion of the first Abeg Task in the House.
Putting on a show
Cross got the play started calling it “the greatest show ever” in his opening remarks. Once the welcome address was out of the way, the Housemates took turns on the stage where they demonstrated the rich traditions and cultures of the various tribes in Nigeria. Their play took them from the east to the west and from the north to the south, demonstrating the essence of their cultures. They ended their show by emphasizing the need for unity in spite of the diverse cultures.
Biggie’s review
Impressed by their performance, Biggie showered them with compliments as he congratulated them for a job well done. From Liquorose, whom he compared to a veteran actor, to Whitemoney, whose songs he mentioned helped elevate this musical from being interesting to captivating, and to Sammie, whom he said deserved applause and an award. To reward them, he threw a Jacuzzi Party for them and gave them more Abeg Naira.
For a group of amateur artists, the Shine Ya Eye Geng put on quite a stellar performance and we can’t wait to see more from them as the Show goes on. Hopefully, rehearsals and brainstorming sessions for future Abeg Tasks among the Geng won’t be as complicated as it was this time. As entertaining as it was to watch them go at each other during the early preparation stages, we think they can achieve more if they are less confrontational… or maybe that’s just their winning formulae.
Day 7: The first Jacuzzi Vibe
As a reward for an amazing stage play, the Shine Ya Eye Housemates got rewarded with a Jacuzzi Party and boy was it lit! They hit the Jacuzzi in their bikinis and trunks for the time of their lives. With the booze flowing and the grill going, there was no dulling the Housemates. This was exactly what they needed to let off some steam after all the hours they put into rehearsals.
What’s wrong Beatrice?
Beatrice didn’t really look like she was in the mood to party initially. For the most part, she appeared quite sober and didn’t budge when Princess asked her to join. Angel warned her that if she maintained that stance she might get Voted out if she got Nominated. Either that did the trick or her conversation with Boma, but not too long after she changed into a bikini and joined the Geng.
The rich, the suspects and the cozy
More and more Housemates seemed to be warming to Emmanuel because of his new status as the richest member of the House. While some went all out congratulating him about his newfound wealth, others were a bit more subtle. However, Princess went on the offensive in a playful manner. “Money changes people… you were my boyfriend before and now you are with someone else,” she said as she teased him for hanging out with Liquorose.
Peace was still on a mission to find the Wildcards as she told whoever was willing to listen who the suspects were.
Several Housemates were spotted getting extra cosy as they huddled together. Saga, Nini, Pere and Maria spent quite a while in the bathtub. Emmanuel and Liquorose were mostly in each other’s company all through the Party while Sammie was stuck like glue to Angel. What a night it was!
A win, a party and a meltdown – BBNaija
The geng barely slept through the night as they partied away in the Jacuzzi to celebrate their first Task Presentation win. Emmanuel and Liquorose spent their night dancing, flirting and somewhat getting cosy with each other. However, this rich Housemate had more attention on him last night, with Arin and Peace stepping in to disturb this budding ship. However, that didn’t stop him from sneaking back to Liqourose – and we’re curious to see if this will blossom into a new romance in the House.
While Housemates were partying away, Beatrice had a moment of her own as she broke down and cried the night away. Peace, the HoH stepped up to comfort an emotional Beatrice as she disclosed her worries about not getting along with her fellow Housemates, making her question if she fits in. Her emotions have run high in the past few days and we can’t help but feel sorry for her turbulent experience so far as it’s also making it difficult for her to get to know other Housemates.
Housemates have also commented on her erratic mood swings as difficult to place, which may explain why she feels isolated and different from everyone else. Could the Housemates not be understanding of the pressure she is going through, especially now that she has been singled out as a possible Wildcard by the person she confided in?
Housemates show their cognitive abilities in Glover Task
The ‘Shine Ya Eye’ geng were up for another Task this fine Saturday and we couldn’t wait to see what they came up with. The Task which was courtesy of #BBNaija season 6 Associate Sponsor PATRICIA, was set up to test the Housemates’ courage and cognitive abilities with the spotlight being on the Glover App. Glover App is a Gift-cards and Digital Assets service.
The presentation was to be done in groups, therefore a box containing different colours of cards was provided with each Housemate picking one card from the box without peeping inside. The colours were Blue, Pink, Green, Orange and a fifth colour— Black.
Housemates who picked identical cards automatically became a team for the duration of the Task. In total there were four teams, with each containing five Housemates. Housemates who picked any other colour apart from Black would participate in the Task while those who chose the colour black, would be exempted from the Task and become Biggie’s assistants.
After picking up cards from the box, the Housemates fell into the following teams;
Blue Team: Maria, Tega, Boma, Jackie B, Princess.
Pink Team: Saskay, Emmanuel, Niyi, Arin, JayPaul.
Green Team: Nini, Angel, Cross, Pere, Sammie.
Orange Team: Beatrice, Liquorose, Yerins, Saga, Peace
Whitemoney and Yousef picked the black cards and were automatically excused from partaking in the Task and promptly assumed their position as Biggie’s assistants.
The task was divided into two parts with the first part focused on each group making a five minute presentation promoting the use of gift cards as part of the gifting culture of the average Nigerian, and how adopting gift cards can improve relationships.
The presentation could be in the form of drama, music, or poetry. The first team to give their presentation was Team Blue, followed by Team Pink, Team Green, and finally Team Orange.
The Housemates took a short break after which the second part of the Task started. The second part of the game involved different games that happened over six different rounds. The games played in the second part include;
- “The more you see, the less you know”
- “Drop the Stick”.
- Party Fllop.
- Canon Ball.
- Ping Pong Game.
“Drop the stick” was played by members of teams together, while every other game was played only with representatives from each team.
A brief was later given to the HoH containing the results of the game. The first round saw Team Pink emerge as winners with a total of 8 points. Teams Blue and Orange scored 6 points respectively while Team Green scored only 3 points.
Team Pink also came out with the highest points in the second round with 59 points. Team Orange had 31 points, while Teams Green and Blue garnered 35 and 40 points respectively.
The overall points scored by each team are as follows:
Team Orange – 37 points
Team Blue – 41 points
Team Green – 43 points.
Team Pink – 67 points.
Team Pink which includeed Jaypaul, Saskay, Arin, Niyi and Emmanuel were awarded three thousand five hundred dollars to be shared amongst themselves. Biggie’s assistants aka Team Black were also to get a share in the reward.
Day 8: The first Saturday Night Party
As the search for the Wildcard intensified, the fun did not stop. The evening began with a fun photoshoot sponsored by Tecno.
All poses came out as the #BBNaija Housemates turned to their head-turning swag which we first saw at the Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye launch show. The ladies were also slaying down to their face beat.
There was even an outfit change from Beatrice who had started the night in a lovely short cream dress, a blonde wig and high heels and then switched back to her short hairstyle, a simple black top, denim shorts and boots. Emphasis on comfort, geng!
After the amazing musical performance on Friday, we expected nothing less from the Housemates who are so full of energy and creativity. They literally brought the roof down while DJ Big N kept the dance floor sizzling hot with all the latest jams filling up the airwaves. If you say you were not dancing too, that’s can’t be true.
The Housemates were looking extremely stunning giving us FOMO all the way from our screens. It was without a doubt that Liqourose would be seen doing the most, delivering some of her trendy dance moves on the floor.
One particularly interesting character at the party was Cross the Hypeman. He was immediately in his element the moment they walked through the doors into the party. The temperature on the dance floor even became too hot for Whitemoney and Saga who ended up shirtless at some point.
Once the drinks started flowing, the Housemates could not keep their hands off each other. While on the dancefloor, Sammie and Angel took their forming ship to another level as she was passionately grinding on him just before Maria casually interrupted their dance kicking Sammie off. This didn’t last though because she was spotted at another corner of the room having the time of her life with Pere.
The two Wildcards are honestly playing their game right because the topic of the Wildcards dominated the House after the party. As if it never happened, the Housemates were fixed on figuring out who the imposters are and this is inevitably forcing the creation of cliques among the Housemates as they investigate their fate.
The Darling quest
The Darling Salon was open and not only did the Housemates get to find their beautiful, but there were also points to be earned. The Shine Ya Eye Geng is on a quest to amass the most points to win millions of Naira in the Darling ‘Find Your Beautiful’ contest.
Announcing the contest as he read the Darling brief, the Deputy Head of House, Yousef said female Housemates who interact with Darling Haircare products the most and maintain their hair properly will be awarded weekly points to stand a chance of winning 2.5 million at the end of the Show. For the guys, all they have to do is assist in the salon to amass weekly points and stand a chance to win the grand prize of 1.5 million also at the end of the Show.
Welcome to the Darling Salon
For the first time in the House, the Shine Ya Eye Geng made their way to the salon and they all seemed eager to get right to work. Not only were they motivated by the cash prize, but they all also seemed keen on getting a new look or more appropriately, finding their beautiful. It didn’t take them long to go through the haircare products and the video tutorials made available to them before deciding the looks they would be serving.
Help Wanted
It was time to get down to the job at hand and the Housemates didn’t hesitate to seek help from each other. To look as good as they wanted, they needed all the help they could get. Housemates reeled out what they were good at and what help they could offer the next Housemate. “I have two sisters and I am quite familiar with hair making,” Cross said, listing out his work experience. Not sure that was enough to convince any Housemate to let him make their hair, but they did let him help out; plus he was willing to learn alongside Saga and Sammie
Big Brother Live – The Wildcards revealed!
On the second Sunday of the Shine Ya Eye Season, the Housemates missed their opportunity to get rid of the two Wildcards.
The show started off with both a bang and Ebuka Obi-Uchendu looking resplendent in his outfit designed by Deco. The big story of the night was always going to be the announcement of the Wildcards. By this time, however, the audience was in the know – they’d already been let in on the secret of who they were – Maria and Pere.
Leading up to the live show, the Housemates had been called into the Diary Room to name their Wildcard suspects, and – except for Whitemoney – nobody came anywhere close, so it was clear that they were going to be safe. This meant that everybody was glued to their screens not to see the announcement, but rather the looks on the other Housemates’ faces when Ebuka revealed the truth.
Before getting to that, Ebuka took the audience through a recap of the week that was, including the first Head of House game, the challenge that made Peace the first to get exclusive access to the luxurious quarters, an honour she chose to share with Yousef as her Deputy Head of House. Ebuka asked her – during his first cross into the House – why she picked him as her Deputy, and she responded with a very reasonable, “because he respects me, and I respect him.”
Ebuka also took us through a recap of the first Diary Room session of the season, which was full of the new Housemates gushing about their happing at being in the House, at last. They also expressed their total confusion about who the Wildcards might be, which was something of a hint as to how their voting might go.
It was at this point that Peace was asked to report to the Diary Room to submit her vote, totally unaware that it was nothing more than a formality. Even if it weren’t, it wouldn’t have mattered – she got them wrong, picking Beatrice and Jaypaul, in line with most of the other Housemates. We’re not sure if having company makes up for getting it wrong. Probably not.
Then came the time for the big announcement. Big Brother asked Jaypaul and Liquorose to stand, since they received the most votes from their fellow Housemates. Luckily for them, and less lucky for the rest of the Housemates who voted for them, they were not the Wildcards. Of course, Maria and Pere – as the real Wildcards – would be breathing a huge sigh of relief, knowing that they were safe, and in the running for the big prize.
In typical Big Brother fashion, the show decided to keep the Housemates hanging, while the live show took us through a recap of the first issuance of Abeg Naira – the currency to be used in the House. It also took as through the moments that seemed to suggest that there were some budding relationships of the romantic persuasion blossoming in the House, which is always fun to see, but we just wanted to get back to the Housemates so that we could see their shock and disappointment at getting the vote wrong. Does that make us bad people?
Luckily – thankfully – Ebuka then announced that our and the Housemates’ suspense would be put to an end. He spoke to the Housemates directly, reminding them of the rules. Then he asked the actual Wildcards to stand – and they took their time doing so.
Just what we thought: mouths agape. Followed by applause, and congratulations on playing the game so well. Pere admitted to having to be manipulative and apologised to his fellow Housemates for that.
Arin thought that the whole task was a long shot and wasn’t surprised that they couldn’t get it. Ebuka shared a laugh with Saga, who had actually approached the two real Wildcards to discusses who he thought the Wildcards were, which is funny, from a certain point of view – probably not Saga’s, though.
Of course, Maria and Pere are now normal Housemates, and are eligible to be nominated for eviction in the Monday night show. Do we wonder if they might be among the first on the chopping block?
Ebuka left the Housemates with a bit of good advice: focus on the game. That’s why the season is called Shine Ya Eye, after all. Let’s see how well they take that advice to heart.
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