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Saturday, 30 November 2019

Cheating husband's affair exposed as he's pictured in newspaper restaurant review

A cheating husband's affair has been exposed after he was pictured in the background of a newspaper restaurant review with another woman.

Food critic for the Washington post Tom Sietsema posted about the incident on Twitter after the anonymous wife wrote to him to explain what had happened.

She claimed one of Tom's food reviews was accompanied by a photo of her husband dining with another woman.

Once she confronted him with the picture, she says he did not deny the affair.

The woman thanked Tom for "exposing a cheat".

"Well Tom your latest review is accompanied by a picture of my husband dining with a woman who isn’t me,” she wrote.

"Once confronted with photographic evidence, he confessed to having an ongoing affair.

"Just thought you’d be amused to hear of your part in the drama.

"This Thanksgiving I’m grateful to you for exposing a cheat!"

Mr Sietsema posted the review on Twitter with the comment: "So, this popped up on my live online food chat today.

"Cheaters, take heed!"

People were quick to comment on the tweet as many were shocked by the incident.

One said: "Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time... #WrongGuyToo."

Another added: "That's justice."

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