If there is a gate to this our current generation with a gate-man who welcomes everybody in, the greeting probably would be, “Welcome to the rush, a place where everybody is in a haste, expects magic, and cannot wait.”
Our generation is characterized by the daily life cycle in the city of Lagos, where everyone is in a haste at all times and no one has time. The rush in our generation is amazing and ridiculous, and the speed with which we expect manifestations of the things we haven’t invested enough time in is what leads to so many failed dreams and unfulfilled results.
There are so many plans laid out by people with a pressurized timeline, so many lives with purpose and destiny that has been cut short into mediocrity, because they either pressured themselves or were pressured by some external factor to shun time.
No matter what we want, irrespective of our plans, living is a process and all processes work with time and stages. Many have cut corners and ruined their lives because they do not understand the importance of time in their journey in life.
All the great visionaries we read about are people who understood the importance of time and patience, they understood that all the pieces to a great design cannot be put together at a go, it has to be fixed in parts and this requires a good amount of time to achieve.
In our generation we are faced with the hurried expectations. People want to have everything at a go, want the result of work done in the morning ready in the evening of the same day, and expect that result to last forever. The problem is life doesn’t work that way. It takes time for a concrete to dry up, and if you can’t wait you will only be left with a structure that will crumble in no time.
We are in a generation where people put so much into a single day than they put into their lifetime and expect a result the next day. Our efforts must be properly timed and spread toward every aspect of our purpose. We must give it enough lifespan to manifest into what it should be and not strangle it to death in a confined space because we are forcing it to grow. Visions, dreams and purpose that stand the test of time are the ones that time was invested into.
We all have a lifetime to make an impact. Let’s assume you’re thirty years of age now, the next ten, twenty to thirty years is a lot of time to build something great for yourself. Unless you’re planning to die young, it doesn’t make any sense trying to do everything now when you have the rest of your life ahead of you. It doesn’t make any sense putting all the pressure on yourself now when you have the next ten, twenty to thirty years to work and invest.
Every effort takes time to grow and without time 99.9% of ventures would fail.
A person who seeks to grow and leave a legacy after s/he’s gone has visions, dreams, purpose and a working plan. Some elements are constant in pursuing all these, elements like mistakes, failures, determination, perseverance, rejection, pain and so on. The chain that holds all these together to generate the desired result is time. Without time, the first challenge point would be the first failure point, the first rejection would be the end of the amazing dream, without time, perseverance and determination would be a tool that yields outcomes without depth and foundation. No matter what and who you are, the process of building requires that you start from the scratch and build with patience and time if you want a real structure that will last.
Every real vision and purpose in life must be given enough space, enough time to grow, because magical results do not stand the test of time, they come and disappear in a flash just like Barry Allen.
All you need is time and there are major factors that determine how much time you have and how much more you will get.
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