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Saturday, 25 August 2018

Man Runs Out N*de From Bed To Stop Thief Who Tried To STEAL His Range Rover [Photos]

 A nude man leapt from bed in the middle of the night to tackle a teen who tried to steal his £10,000 Range Rover.

Stephen Cullen, 29, boasted "I'm the N*ked Ninja" as he spoke about flooring the youngster outside his home in Newcastle at around 11.30pm on Tuesday.

Hilarious CCTV shows Stephen running to his front gate as the car's lights flash and its alarm sounds before he bundles the 17-year-old to the ground.

"The guy realised I was naked," Stephen told the Sun. "He didn’t know where to put his hands."

Stephen and girlfriend Nicola Baldwin, 33, were in bed watching TV when he heard his alarm prompting him to spring into action.

The teen who was reportedly drunk stays in the vehicle as the alarm sounds around him and Stephen suddenly emerges in the footage.

He struggles with his front gate for a few seconds before managing to break through and race towards the car.

He is seen grabbing the young lad and shoving him to the ground as Nicola then comes into shot wearing a dressing gown.

The lad reportedly kept saying: 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry' as he towered over him.

Nicola said it had looked like the teen was trying to hot-wire the car.

She added: "Next door came out and saw (Stephen) in all his glory.”

Roofer Stephen said: “That car is my pride and joy, there is no way that anyone was stealing it."

Stephen let the thief go when he saw how young he was but police later tracked him down.

However, he said he wasn't going to press charges, adding: “Everyone deserves a second chance.”

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