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Saturday 25 August 2018

West Nile Fever Hits Isreal, 2 Dead, 68 Hospitalized

Two Israelis have died and 68 others have been hospitalized with the West Nile Fever virus, their Health Ministry has announced.

Most patients are elderly people who have already been suffering from other conditions. But one of the patients is only 18 and is in critical condition.

Last weekend, mosquitos carrying the West Nile Fever virus have been detected in the Sharon region and north of it.

According to data published the Environmental Protection Ministry, infected mosquitos have been detected in the regional councils of Menashe and Alona, and around the cities of Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Binyamina and Caesarea. However, infection cases have been reported throughout the country.

The Evironmental Protection Ministry ordered local authorities to take actions to eradicate the mosquitos, and called on the public to protect themselves from mosquito bites.

West Nile Fever has struck Israel every summer over the past few years, but this summer's outbreak is reported to be the worst so far, according to the Health Ministry.

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